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Class Enrollment

Class Registration
Advanced EMT Entrance Exam (Hybrid Course)
Date/Time: Thu 4/24/2025 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Location: REMSA Center for Integrated Health & Community Education
Class Price: $30.00

This is for AEMT entrance testing to get into the Advanced EMT Hybrid Course

Selection Process - AEMT entrance testing includes EMT-B knowledge assessment and math knowledge assessment. Candidates must register for one of the testing dates to become eligible for the AEMT course. Candidates may only test one time during scheduled testing period per course. 

Please note, no electronics, cell phones, smart watches or backpacks are allowed in the testing room. 

Course Description - The Emergency Medical Technician - Advanced is qualified in advanced emergency care by a competency-based training program of didactic, clinical, and a field internship. Competencies include but are not limited to the recognition, assessment, and management of medical emergencies. The AEMT primarily provides prehospital emergency care to acutely ill or injured patients. The AEMT level has as its base the basic EMT program and has proven clinical skills and knowledge to support the skills in addition to the basic program. This level does not conflict or compete with the Paramedic level; it is another level that exists as a result of different skills being emphasized. Upcoming Advanced EMT program course dates:

Course Date: June 9th, 2025 - AEMT Course content will be released one week prior to the due dates. Class will meet every Thursday for mandatory in person lab and exam days. Lab days will take place from 09:00-15:00. Please be aware that some lab days may coincide with division exams dates which will then be, 09:00-17:00. (Entrance testing will be in person)

Selection Process - AEMT entrance testing includes EMT-B knowledge assessment and math knowledge assessment. Candidates must register for one of the testing dates to become eligible for the AEMT course. Candidates may only test one time during scheduled testing period per course.

Course Requirements:

The following requirements do not need to be met until you have been accepted into the AEMT program. All of this is for after entrance testing is completed and ONLY upon acceptance into the program. 

HepB Three shot immunization series or a titer, MMR, Tdap (Tetanus needs to be within the last ten years to be valid), Varicella (either a history of chicken pox recorded or a varicella vaccine or titer), a negative TB test within six months of the start of class. 

Drug Screen and Background Check.

Health Insurance and valid drivers license.

American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers Certification.

VALID Nevada State EMT License AT TIME OF REGISTRATION for course.

Student Handbook


If you have any questions please contact Liz in the Education Department at or 775-353-0820


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